Deal With It Now with Cathie Quillet

Deal With it Now with Cathie Quillet
Caley Porter

Cathie Quillet is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Transformational Fertility Coach, Published Author, Public Speaker & barren Mom who specializes in infertility and pregnancy loss, along with the treatment of those in the seasons of pregnancy, postpartum and adoption. 

Cathie is passionate about serving women all over the world, which is why she founded The Quillet Institute. A passion project offering coaching, comfort and an actual pathway for women and their partners to work through emotional struggles that comes with infertility. (

​Cathie is a member of Resolve and is a trained member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. Additionally, Cathie is on the executive board of The Rooted Bridge, a maternal mental health non-profit in her hometown Nashville and the Counseling Advisor for Waiting in Hope.

Cathie is also the author of the Peace (In)Fertility Workbook, the book Not Pregnant: A Companion for the Emotional Journey of Infertility and the children's book, No Matter What Happens

Mentioned in this episode: Monthly Cycle Guide

Connect: Facebook | Cathie’s Instagram | TQI Instagram

The Quillet Institute | Nashville Reproductive Therapy
