Episode 31 // Taking a Step In with Krystalle Wheeler

Krystalle Wheeler lives in Kansas City with her family and their new puppy, Scout. She is a writer, speaker and the Director of Lullaby of Hope. She founded Lullaby of Hope after she journeyed through a miscarriage and a stillbirth in 2012. At that time, she found that there were little to no resources to comfort women like her and that broke her heart. So, she started gathering meaningful items to give as a gift to help equip women in their healing process. What began as something small has now grown into a full fledge team (or more like a family!) of women lovingly sending these gifts all across the world. Along with their curated gift boxes, you can even reach out to simply receive prayer as you journey to grow your family. We love the mission of Lullaby of Hope, stay connected to their community through their events and monthly newsletters.

LOH was generous and offered us a free shipping code: JOY

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